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Arch 7c
Arch 7b
Arch 7a



Building Location:  Ashford, County Wicklow


Description of Proposal:  Development comprising 9 detached (2 story, 4-5 bedroom) houses and 6 apartments with a combined total area of 2,116 sq.m


This exclusive residential development involved the careful design of nine detached houses and six apartments and is consistent with the Local Authority’s current planning guidelines for Town Centre site use, density and open space.


References to the local architectural character are made in the use of bay windows, gables and special natural stone and brickwork features. A respectful consideration for the local architectural vernacular for the area allows this new development to sit comfortably amidst the varied rural/town landscape. The retention of the boundary trees at a distance from the buildings define the site’s open space amenity to create a secluded spacious development whilst providing a screen to traffic on the old N11, also between the road and Mount Usher Gardens.


Architecture should speak 
of its time and place, 
but yearn for timelessness.

Caroline Irvine MRIAI
Mob: 087 2987401

Dun Laoghaire, Co.Dublin

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